A Quercus frainetto forest in Greece under threat:
our article, published by the International Oak Society
Close to the birthplace of the Olympic Games and to the
roots of the ancient world and the beginning of mythology, the oak forest of
Pholoe (Foloi) is a vibrant eternal monument of the beauty of nature and the
sparkling inspirations that created human civilization.
The Pholoe oak forest is located in southwestern Greece,
in a plateau area at an altitude of about 600 m. It is an ecosystem that is
unique in Europe as it is a high forest of even-aged oaks (oaks are usually
coppiced). In the area there is significant landscape and species diversity,
including oak and pine forest, maquis, small fields, and olive groves. The
forest has been designated a protected area as part of the EU’s Natura 2000
ecological network (under both the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive)
with the name Oropedio Folois, and covers 9,742 ha.
The ecosystem of the oak forest provides habitat to many
raptor species (Aquila chrysaetos, Circaetus gallicus,Falco eleonorae, F. peregrinus, Accipiter
nisus, Pernis apivorus), woodpeckers (Dendrocopos leucotos), mammals (Canis
aureus, Lutra lutra), and reptiles (Elaphe quatuorlineata).
Tree species in the ecosystem include the deciduous oaks Quercus
frainetto (syn. Q. conferta) and Q. pubescens, as well as the
evergreen oaks Q. ilex and Q. coccifera. Other tree species are Castanea
sativa,Cercis siliquastrum, Arbutus unedo, Erica arborea, Pistacia
lentiscus, Pinus halepensis, and P. nigra. Ferns, asphodels, and many
herb species can also be found in the area.
The broadleaf oak Q. frainetto is the primary
species of oak in the forest. The Pholoe forest is at the southernmost limit of
the species’ native distribution in the Balkan Peninsula. Paleoecological
findings suggest that the species was present in the Peloponnese over 6,000
years ago. The trees are 15–20 m tall and can live up to 200 years (Mauri et al.
2016). Q. frainetto is found with Pinus halepensis, while
at the edge of the forest it is found with evergreen broad-leaved species,
which make up the understory. Cultivated land covers areas around the villages,
but it is also found inside the oak forest, originating from fires,
transgression, and tree-felling (NATURA 2000 - Standard Data Form).

The forest is located in public lands and it is managed by
the Forest District of Pyrgos. Until 2002 the forest produced about 550 m3 of
timber and 2,500 m3 of firewood; since 2003 wood production has been restricted
due to the logging prohibitions. The forest is also used for leisure
activities, hunting, grazing, coal production, forest compost, apiculture, and
collection of aromatic and ornamental plants.
The natural range of forest has been reduced as a result
of human pressure by encroachment and the transformation of forest
(particularly the more fertile sites) to farmland. Illegal logging, grazing,
wildfires, and the decrease of natural regeneration are also serious problems
for forest conservation. The parasitic plant species Loranthus europaeus has
also been found in the forest (NATURA 2000 - Standard Data Form).
The Forest District of Pyrgos tries to provide protection
and increase public awareness; however there are serious weaknesses in policy, administration, and
investments in forestry. It is also surprising that scientific literature for
the Pholoe forest is practically non-existent and the number of studies is
Mythology and recent history
The mysterious beauty of the Pholoe oak forest led the
ancient Greeks to believe that it was a habitat for centaurs and fairies, known
as nymphs and dryads (oak fairies). It took its name from Pholos, chief of the
Centaurs, whose name meant “wise, enlightened teacher.”
Heracles (Hercules), who embodies the Greek concept
ofpathos (the experience of virtuous struggle and suffering that would
lead to fame and immortality), performed, with the help of Hermes and Athena,
two of his 12 Labors in Pholoe: the Erymanthian Boar and the Augean Stables.
Heracles’ struggles transmit through the centuries those
universal values that were deeply rooted in Pholoe, and serve as an anthem to
friendship, solidarity, cohesion, spirituality, intelligence, and sustainability.
Praised by Homer and Pausanias, governed by the powerful
Olympian gods, surrounded by the sacred Arcadian mountains of Erymanthos and
Lykaion, crossed by the divine rivers Enipeas, Erymanthos and Selinountas, and
bound to the glory of ancient Olympia and the mysteries of
ancient Arcadia, Pholoe is a living monument to Greek mythology, which has
played an important role in the development of Western civilization.
Why is then Pholoe forgotten by time and human
consciousness? Why did the oak forest of Pholoe never become a benchmark for
the cultural, ecological, and sporting life of the modern world?
Nearly abandoned and forgotten, Pholoe nowadays lies
helpless in the hands of human beings motivated by greed who strive to kill it
day by day.
The Oak Forest Museum project
This disaster will soon materialize, unless we manage to
bring back sacredness and respect to the wounded oak forest.
Creating an Oak Forest Museum at the foot of the Pholoe’s
hills would help preserve and protect Pholoe and create international
appreciation of the oak forest.
Our proposal is to create an interactive, digital thematic
park with information kiosks, touchscreens, and modern educative tools that
would recount the mythology and interpret its symbols. We believe a museum of
these characteristics could effectively encourage sustainable development, and
this may be a way to resolve the current economic, moral, and social crisis.
Human beings are bound to the ecosystems they occupy and
human history to the mythologies of its past. Understanding the importance of
these relationships could rally more courageous and focused support for this
and other such projects. The question is, how decided are we to think outside
the circle of our illusions to find the solutions we need?
Vaso Charitopoulou
Founder and Head of “Dione” Local Development Centre, Ancient Olympia, Elis
Dr Christos Sokos
Forester-Wildlife Ecologist (sokos@vet.uth.gr)
Mauri, A., Enescu, C. M., Houston Durrant, T., de Rigo,
D., Caudullo, G., 2016. “Quercus frainetto in Europe: distribution,
habitat, usage and threats” in: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo,
G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree
Species. Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg, pp. 150-151